Romance Family Feud - Survey Round 1
Answer the questions below as quickly as possible, with the first short answer that comes to mind.  If you can't think of anything, it's fine to skip questions!
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Name a romance author with a large backlist of 30 books or more
Other than hockey, name a sport that a contemporary romance character might play
Name an unusual type of shifter you may learn about while browsing r/RomanceBooks
Other than “wet,” name an adjective that a romance character might use to describe an aroused vagina
When a historical romance couple sneaks off from a ball, name a location where they might be discovered in a compromising embrace
Name the age of the typical billionaire CEO hero
Name a trope that pairs well with enemies-to-lovers
Name a body part a romance character might use a lot during foreplay
Name a way a fantasy romance heroine might show she’s Not Like Other Girls
Name a frequent discussion topic on r/RomanceBooks that’s sure to draw a range of opinions
Name a trope that’s common in dark romance but not in other subgenres
Other than a growl, name a sound a romance hero might make during a love scene
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