Early-career support application form for the IASC NAG Meeting 2025
We have some financial support from the IASC Cryosphere, Atmosphere and Social & Human working groups to enable early career scientists to participate in the meeting and cross-cutting activity.
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Email *
Name *
Affiliation *
Country of residence *
Career stage *
Please indicate your most recently completed degree and year of completion. *
Name of your supervisor *
Short description of your current research project (max. 200 words) *
Title of abstract you submitted for the workshop *
Text of abstract you submitted for the workshop *
Is your presentation a contribution to the cross-cutting activity? *
Please write a short statement of interest why you want to attend the workshop. *
From where would you start your travel to the workshop? *
What are your estimated travel costs for the workshop (no exact numbers needed)? *
Please list both travel and accommodation costs in Euros, for example: flight €300, accommodation €400.
Other comments
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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