Hamline Connects Survey

Hamline Connects is a community partner database that helps students to seek out and keep track of opportunities for Community Partnership Opportunities. Community Partnership Opportunities refer to volunteering, clinicals, practicum, internships, and service experiences. They can be local, national, or international organizations. 

Before expanding our platform, we would first like to learn more about the community partnerships that already exist at Hamline University. If you or your students currently partner with a local organization, please share their information below by filling out this brief survey by March 8th.

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Email *
First & Last Name *
Your role at Hamline:  *
Name of organization/community partner you work with:    *
Type of organization:  *
Location of Organization:   *
How long have you been working with this organization?  *
How would you describe your partnership with this organization? What services have Hamline students provided to this organization? *

Do you think that this organization would be interested in expanding partnership opportunities with Hamline University?

If so, please share the name of the point of contact and their email.

Can we mention your name and relationship with this organization when reaching out to them? 

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