Constitution Education PMA
Coaching/Consult intake form
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Email *
Your name *
What are you hoping to get from your consult with Cassandra? *
I am aware that I may reschedule the session if I need to.  There will be a link in the confirmation email.   *
I am aware that Constitution Education is a Private Member Association  *
You will be given the opportunity to schedule a single session after completing this form.  Would you like to be considered for regular coaching? *
I will not hold Constitution Education or Cassandra Short responsible for any outcomes that I may or may not get from ideas shared in our session.   *
What areas are you hoping to gain some education on? *
Anything else you would like me to know? *
What happens next!
I need an autographed pma agreement from you.  At your session you will be asked to show a form of identification to show that your name is similar to the name on the pma agreement.  (passport card is preferred)

I will send you a copy of the pma agreement to the name and email address above.  You may also get a copy from to print, sign and return to if you prefer. 

Once the agreement is signed you will be sent a link to schedule your time.  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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