The Texas Public Information Act (TPIA) is a state law that gives the public the right to access government information. The TPIA allows individuals to request and receive existing documents and records that are maintained by a governmental body, with certain exceptions. 
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Requestor Information
For guidance regarding your rights as a requestor and the public information procedures adopted by
the State of Texas governmental body, you may review the governmental body’s notice required under section 552.205 of the Government Code. You can find additional Public Information Act resources on the Office of the Attorney General's website at http://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/open-government.
First Name *
Last Name *
Mailing Address
State *
Zip Code
Email Address *
Phone Number
  Preferred Manner of Written Communication  
Description of the Information Requested *
Note: Describe the information as precisely as you can. A date range is optional, but can be very helpful to define the scope of your request.
Exceptions to Disclosure
 Under the Public Information Act, some categories of information do not have to be released. Exceptions to disclosure fall into two general categories: 1) mandatory exceptions that make information confidential and require a governmental body to withhold information, and 2) discretionary exceptions that allow but do not require a governmental body to withhold information. You may find information about mandatory and discretionary exceptions at http://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/open-government/members-public/confidential-information-under-public-information-act. 

In most instances, a governmental body is required to request a decision from the Attorney General in order to withhold information from a requestor. However, a requestor may permit a governmental body to redact information without requesting an Attorney General decision. You are not required to agree to the redaction of any information responsive to your request, but doing so may streamline the handling of your request. If you agree to redactions in this request, then you may request the redacted information in a future information request.  
Do you agree to the redaction of information that is subject to mandatory exceptions, provided such redactions are clearly labeled on the information you received?
Do you agree to the redaction of information that is subject to discretionary exceptions, provided such redactions are clearly labeled on the information you receive?   
Information Preferences
Please Note: If the information requested is unclear or if a large amount of information is requested you may be contacted to discuss clarifying or narrowing your request. There may be charges associated with production of the requested information. You may find more information regarding the charges under the Public Information Act here: http://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/open-government/governmental-bodies/charges-public-information  
How would you like to have the information provided?  
If available, do you wish to receive an electronic copy of the information?  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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