Worker Power Teach-In RSVP
Join us for USAS Local 54's Worker Power Teach-In on March 14th from 6-7:30pm in the STAMP Student Union Atrium. This event will be an opportunity for workers from all areas on campus (and off campus) to join forces and learn what it feels like to work in solidarity for the treatment we deserve! Learn how it feels to hold our employers accountable and stand with fellow workers.

This event is a part of our #TimeFor22 campaign. View our campaign's demands below!
Demand #1: Increase the minimum wage to $22.65/hr for all workers on UMD’s campus. 
According to the MIT Living Wage Calculator, a living wage for single adults living in Prince George’s County (without dependents) is $22.65/hr. We are demanding the right to a living wage at UMD. 
Demand #2: Grant all workers, employed by all public higher education institutions in the state of Maryland, the right to unionize (or collectively bargain). Currently, the vast majority of public higher education workers in the state of Maryland do not have the right to collectively bargain (or receive union recognition). With this human right to unionize, we, the workers of the public higher education sector, would be able to have greater control over our working conditions, including pay, health care benefits, curriculums and more! 

To sign our #TimeFor22 petitionclick this link!
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