Mississippi AFL-CIO Student Volunteer Program
The MS AFL-CIO has volunteer and service learning opportunities.

This program is designed to give students experience in community and labor organizing to fight for important working family issues to ensure that the voice of working families is heard in the halls of government throughout the State of Mississippi.

Interns will be trained in community and labor organizing, voter mobilization, event management, and effective communication as part of a program to build power for working people right here in Mississippi. No experience is required. The MS AFL-CIO will provide comprehensive training for you to be successful. Participants will also receive Common Sence Economics and voting rights education.

If you are interested in becoming an intern with the Mississippi AFL-CIO, please fill out the form below and someone will follow up with you shortly.
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Phone Number
Email Address
Why is building power for working people important to you?
What experience do you have working with or in diverse communities?
How many hours per week can you commit to working?
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Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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