New Haven High School Transcript Request Form
I hereby request that a transcript of my permanent records be sent to the following. I understand that my transcript will include all of my grades of record, grade average, rank, test scores, and other permanent record information. ACT or SAT scores will be sent with the transcript if those are on file at New Haven High School. I also understand this request could take up to 7 days to be processed. 

***If you are applying to more than one college, please submit a separate transcript request form for each college. Thank you.

For questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Payne at or (573) 237-2629 ext. 2100. 
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone (opt.)
Reason for Request *
High School Graduation Year *
First Name at Graduation *
Last Name at Graduation *
Date of Birth *
How would you like your transcript to be sent? *
If mailed, please provide the full mailing address. 

*Must include name of person, school, or business, etc. where you would like the transcript sent.
If emailed, please provide the email and the name of the person, school or business, etc. that you would like it sent to.
E-Signature  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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