Ohioans for Sustainable Change Involvement Interest Survey
Ohioans For Sustainable Change is calling for individuals to serve on our board, as other volunteers, or other committee members.

Our mission is to organize, engage, and center the voices of directly impacted people of diverse beliefs. We build with faith and community leaders on the issues of climate, racial, economic, and environmental justice and health equity. We use public and popular education, leadership training and development, direct action, and advocacy to create long-term sustainable change.

We are a state affiliate of Interfaith Power and Light, a national organization mobilizing people of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on climate change.

You can learn more about OFSC and open positions on the Board of Directors, Development Committee, and Program and Publicity committee on our website: ohioansforsustainablechange.com/get-involved/.

If you are interested in being more involved and/or interested in serving on the board, please fill out this interest survey.

If you have additional questions, please email: ohioiplboard@gmail.com.

Thank you!

The OFSC Staff and Board

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Please share your name and pronouns *
Please share your phone number.
How do you prefer to be contacted?
Please let us know how you are interested in being involved in OFSC. *
You can find descriptions of the role of board members and committees on our website: https://ohioansforsustainablechange.com/get-involved/.
OFSC is a statewide organization who fights for climate, racial, economic, and environmental justice at the intersection of our faith. Our mission is to organize, engage, and center the voices of directly impacted people of diverse beliefs. We build with faith and community leaders on the issues of climate, racial, economic, and environmental justice and health equity. We use public and popular education, leadership training and development, direct action, and advocacy to create long-term sustainable change. How do you see yourself engaging in this work?
We are committed to having a team that represents diverse voices. What are the ways you can bring a lens of diversity to our collective work?
What part of the state do you call home?
Are you affiliated with any organization or faith body that you would like to mention?
Area(s) of expertise which would be of benefit to the board: *
Please tell us about some other ways we could learn from you. Is there is anything else you would like us to know about you?
Please tell us how OFSC might be an asset to your own life or work. *
How did you hear about our open call for involvement? *
Do you have any questions about involvement with OFSC that we could discuss with you?
Thank you for the time and effort in completing this board interest survey!
A member of the board will reach out to you within a week to discuss your interest.
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