2024 Registration: FBB College & Career Readiness
Registration Form 2024
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Email *
Today's Date *
Participant's Name: *
Participant's Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number:
Street Address: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Parent's E-Mail Address: *
County *
Participant's Gender: *
Participant's Age: *
Race *
Number of People in Household? *
Check all adults in the household: (above the age of 18) *
Household Annual Income: *
School *
Grade: *
Anticipated Graduation Year *
Academic Areas of Challenge *
Have you ever participated in a Family Biz Builder in-school and after-school program *
I agree that my child(ren) will attend group and one-on-one sessions with a mentoring coach. (at minimum 1.5 hours per week required) *
Family Biz Builder promotes the organization online (via website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube). I agree that any program videos recorded or photos taken can by published online.
I understand that Family Biz Builder will not be held responsible for any inappropriate use of internet sites. *
I agree to participate in parent meetings and training courses. *
Are you interested in working part-time as a Mentoring Coach? *
Would you like to be a Volunteer in the College & Career Readiness Program? *
Parent/Guardian Electronic Signature *
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