The Product Boss Mastermind Application
7+ minute Application

A 12 Month High-Touch Experience for Product-Based Entrepreneurs Ready to Have a Breakthrough Year!

To QUALIFY for The Product Boss™ Mastermind please ONLY apply IF your business makes a MINIMUM of $250k a Year up through $15 Million a Year.  

The Product Boss™ Mastermind is full of amazing entrepreneurs with businesses generating between $250k to Multi-Million Dollar businesses and if accepted you will be placed in an incredible cohort of business owners at or near the same revenue level as your business.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
Business Name *
Email Address *
What is your phone number? *
How did you hear about us? *
Where are you located? (Please enter city, state, & country.) Are you available to meet  between 9 am and 4 pm CST? *
What is your website? *
What are your social media handles? *
What do you sell? Tell us about your business, the products you sell, and your price-point range. *
What is your TOTAL 2021 annual revenue? (include online/offline/wholesale/shows/etc) *
How long have you had your business? *
Are you the sole owner or do you have partners? *
What size is your team? *
What is your audience/customer base size? (i.e., # of subscribers, mailing list, followers, group, database total) *
Are you a current student in our Multi-Stream Machine implementation program? *
Where do your sales come from? (Online, trade shows, Etsy, in-person markets, brick n mortar, wholesale, subscription box, Amazon, etc.) *
What is currently your most pressing business operations challenge?
What is your biggest marketing challenge? *
What is your biggest mindset hurdle? *
What is WORKING in your business? Please explain.  Share a big win! *
Have you ever been apart of a mastermind before? If yes, tell us about that experience. What did you takeaway or enjoy most? Was the mastermind free or paid? Was it a mastermind created by peers or a mentor? *
What do you hope to get out of this mastermind experience? *
How would you describe your personality? *
What are your key goals for your business in 2022?
Knowing we have a very limited seat count for this program, why do you feel YOU should be one of the ones selected for this group? *
You understand that this is an investment of one payment of $15,000 or 12 payments of $1,500. Investments may be paid in full at the time of acceptance or may be paid in twelve installments (payment one in December followed by 11 additional payments). You understand that you will be coached by experts and advisors from The Product Boss and that you are responsible to show up and do the work to get results. If selected, we may request a current P&L statement to verify your revenue level. Please confirm your understanding and agreement of all of the above details by clicking Yes below. *
What is your preference if accepted?
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Do you have any questions for us? Let us know and we will be sure to address your question should you be accepted into the mastermind. (Please provide contact preference: Text, Instagram DM, or Email)
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