Fencer Contact Information
This is simply a way for us to have contact information for our students in the Winter Garden Fencing Academy and in the Orlando Fencing Club.  We don’t use contracts.  This is just simple contact information and no payment is required until you arrive.
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Club Affiliation - Please select the club location in which you are interested. *
Fencer's First and Last Name *
Fencer's Date of Birth *
Parent/Guardian's First and Last Name (for minor children),  If not a minor, please list the name of an emergency contact with a phone number. *
Primary E-mail address - This cannot be the email address for a minor. *
Secondary Email address - This cannot be the email address of a minor,
Primary Phone Number *
Additional Contact Phone Number
Mailing Address *
Medical Information:  Please list any medical or other conditions that could in any way effect athletics for the fencer.  (allergies, asthma, ADD/ADHD, autism, heart conditions, physical impairment. etc). *
By typing your full name, you acknowledge the inherit risks of participating in a martial sport and give WGFA, instructors and volunteers permission to administer basic first-aid if you are unable to respond. Our code of conduct, conditioning routines and uniform requirements are designed to minimize the unlikely chance of a serious injury as well as typical muscle strains and light bruising. Your safety is always a top priority. *
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