Lawrence Elementary: TK/K Playdates RSVP
Welcome future Labradors! We are very excited to have you join us on our campus for the 2024-2025 school year. We invite you to make new friends and get acquainted with our Lawrence Elementary School campus at one (or more!) of our Summer Playdates. Please RSVP to let us know how many people to plan for -- The Lawrence PTO will provide light refreshments/snacks for all future and current Labradors. We look forward to seeing you. Don't forget a water bottle and some sunscreen! We look forward to seeing you. 
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Parent/Guardian Name (First Last)  *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number
How do you prefer to be contacted?  *
Number of Future and/or Current Labradors Attending (Kids)  *
Number of Adults Attending *
Which events will be be attending?
(Check one or more!) 
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