Dermagrace Product Feedback
Thank you for testing dermagrace's skincare product(s). Truly appreciate your feedback. This survey will take about 5 minutes to complete. Thanks in advance for your honest opinions. 
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What product brand(s) did you previously use or continue to use with your sample(s)? *
How important is a non-toxic skincare product to you? *
Not Important
Very Important
Briefly describe your skin type (dry, normal, oily, sensitive, rosacea, acne prone, etc...) and main skin care concerns/objectives (wrinkle reduction, improve tone, improve texture, etc..). *
Which product(s) did you try? *
How many days did you try the product(s)? *
Did you try the products solely on your face or other body areas too?
How does the product(s) feel on your skin?
Have you noticed any changes in your skin since using the product(s)?
What did you like most about the product(s)? *
What did you like least about the product(s)? *
Did you find the product(s) different from products you have used in the past? *
On a scale of 1-10 how likely would you be to continuing using the product(s) or recommending to family or friends? *
Not Likely
Extremely Likely
Approximately what do you spend on your skincare product(s) at time of purchase? *
We appreciate your time. Please leave your email if you would like to receive updates on our products. We promise to only send occasion emails. Understand the frustration of receiving too many emails! At any time feel free to tell us to take you off our list. Thank you!
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