Registration Form 2024 (historic)
Please use this form to apply for our Cybersecurity Analyst, Data Analyst or Software Developer (Entry Level) learning pathways taking place in November 2024. Once you have completed the form, we will inform you when the selection process commences. 

If you are interested in registering for our full range of pathways taking place in 2025, please click to use this form instead.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Surname *
Telephone No *
County of Residence (must be resident in Republic of Ireland) *
Gender *
Age Range *
Educational Level (NFQ) *
Please select the length of time out of employment prior to training *
Nationality *
Please select category which best describes your current status *
Are you in receipt of a social welfare payment *
Previous sector of employment *
Where did you hear about the programme *
Which Future in Tech Pathway are you applying for? *
Terms and Conditions
Making an application or Expression of Interest is not a guarantee of selection. 

Participation in this programme is subject to a selection process and based on eligibility criteria which are listed in the programme information. Participants must be at least 18 years old and be resident in the Republic of Ireland.  Non-residents who make an application will not receive a reply.

Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet has sole discretion and is the final arbiter on who will participate. Applications are treated in strictest confidence. Applicants accept that no feedback will be provided to them, or any other party regarding the selection process, nor will applicants be provided with any reason for their non-selection.

Participants are responsible for confirming if they are eligible to continue to receive any welfare payments they may be in receipt of.

Acceptance of these Conditions
By submitting this form you agree to accept these terms and conditions.  
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