Classroom Liaison Sign-up
The Classroom Liaison, coordinated through the FSA and school administration, is a volunteer role similar to a traditional class “room parent". 

If you are interested in serving as Classroom Liaison for your child's homeroom please complete the information below. If you have more than one homeroom you would like to volunteer for, please list them starting with your first choice.

The time commitment for this volunteer position is minimal, typically requiring just a few hours per month. Most communication can be handled via email, and you can collaborate with other parents, making it a manageable yet highly appreciated role by all teachers.

Responsibilities vary slightly by grade level and may include:

● Facilitate any teacher requests that come up during the year, including recruiting parent volunteers, helping with special classroom projects, or coordinating classroom celebrations. 

● Organize and help to collect for special events or activities  (holiday parties, teacher appreciation week, holiday stocking stuffer, teacher birthdays, etc.)

● Sharing information regarding special events via email with your class parents 

Please complete the form by Friday, September 1. Volunteers roles are typically filled in the order they are received. If you have questions, please contact Carly Hurd at

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Phone Number *
E-Mail *
Child's Name *
Child's Grade Level *
Teacher's Name *
Room Number 
Child's Name
Child's Grade Level
Teacher's Name
Room Number 
Child's Name
Child's Grade Level
Teacher's Name
Room Number 
Child's Name
Child's Grade Level
Teacher's Name
Room Number 
Child's Name
Child's Grade Level
Teacher's Name
Room Number 
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