Neighborhood Leaders
Neighborhood Leaders will be responsible for organizing and executing four community events. Two events will be held in their respective neighborhood and two events will be held at their zoned  primary school for their neighborhood. Neighborhood leaders will have 10 hours per week to prepare for the monthly events and to distribute information regarding school and the district to their neighborhood. Additionally, Neighborhood Leaders will meet monthly with site coordinators to discuss the needs of their communities and gather information on what is occurring inside the school system. Neighborhood Leaders will be paid $10 per hour.
Name *
Full Legal Name
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Which Neighborhood do you reside in? *
How many children do you have in the Baldwin County School District? *
Which school(s) do your children attend? *
Why are you interested in becoming a  Neighborhood Leader? *
List 3 References and their contact information *
Thank you for your interest in our school district!
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