Register for Grant writing workshop


Each session will have a short lecture followed by workshop time for and discussing ideas and challenges.


Tuesdays 12:30 - 1:45pm MT

                  Sep. 17. Identifying funding opportunities and setting up the grant writing process

                  Oct 1. Set realistic and compelling goals based on time, budget, and partners

                  Oct. 15. Draft and revise the proposal document

                  Oct. 29. Identify and fill out all other needed documents and submit proposal


                  Zoom information to be provided to registered participants

Who should come:

1. Undergraduate students in any field. Priority given to students a) who are interested in learning how their work could support the food system and b) who are at UNM.

2. Agricultural producers.

                  Space is limited to 12 participants

This course will be taught by Dr. Eva Stricker, a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology with a part-time appointment with the non-profit organization Quivira Coalition that supports regenerative agriculture. Dr. Stricker has over a decade of grant writing experience and has supported multiple students and producers to seek and obtain funding. Learn more about Dr. Stricker at or email questions

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Name (first and last)
Email address
Are you a:
Are you affiliated with University of New Mexico? (Student priority given to undergrads at UNM)
County (Producer priority given to farmers/ranchers in New Mexico)
Can you commit to all four sessions? (Priority will given to folks who can commit; recordings will be provided publicly)
Is there a particular grant you are interested in? (e.g. Healthy Soil Grant, GRFP, etc.). If so, add a link to the call for proposals here.
If not, don't worry! The first session we will talk about some options, or you can take this series in preparation for grant writing in the future!
Is there anything you'd like me to know about your interest or participation? For example, is there a particular project you want to fund?
OPTIONAL: do you identify with any of the USDA Historically underserved groups?
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