NORDIK Institute's Annual Meeting 2023 - in person and online
NORDIK Institute invites you to join us for our 2023 Annual Meeting, Building Bridges: Emphasizing the importance of collaboration and partnerships in addressing complex challenges and fostering unity.

This year, we are excited to gather in person at the Art Gallery of Algoma.  For those located outside the Sault, a virtual attendance option is available. Get ready for an evening filled with inspiring discussions, innovative ideas, and meaningful connections. Our meeting will bring together researchers and community members from various research projects to share knowledge, experiences, and a hot meal. Don't miss this opportunity to collaborate and network with like-minded individuals.

Location: Art Gallery of Algoma (10 East St. Sault Ste. Marie, ON) and online (Google Meet)
Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023

5:30 pm Dinner is served
6:00 pm Business Meeting
6:45 pm Guest speakers and discussion
7:30 pm Poster presentations and community social

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