Audition Registration Form for The Sound of Music
Please complete this form to pre-register to attend the Auditions Sunday January 19, 2025 for Galway Players Spring 2025 production The Sound of Music directed by Ryan McMahon

No requirements to prepare any music in advance, all auditionees will be provided music to learn and sing at auditions. Those interested in parts other than ensemble will be asked to read lines as well.
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Last Name *
First Name *
Email Address (or parent email if under 18)
Phone Number (or parent phone if under 18) *
Age Range *
Please describe any theater experience you would like to share. If this is your first theater experience, please explain what interests you about this production. *
While dance training is not required, there will be some choreography in parts of this production. What dance experience do you have? *
Please choose one of the following responses. *
I am interested in the roles listed below (an answer is not required. All auditionees will have the opportunity at auditions to audition for any role (other than Maria and Mother Superior which have already been cast.)
I am only interested in the following roles:
Please email a photo of yourself (head shot) to the director Ryan McMahon after submitting this form. This does not need to be a professional headshot. A selfie or any photo will do. This is just so Ryan can put a face to a name when he meets you at auditions.  
By participating in these auditions and production, photographs and video of the rehearsals and filming of the production will be taking place. By checking this, you acknowledge your agreement and that Galway Players can use your image for marketing and publicity purposes. Please note that all cast members will be asked for a $25 participation donation to help defray production expenses. *
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