Spinner Request
If you have an idea for a spinner that you want posted on the AWP website let me know by filling out this form.
(I can do personalized spinners, but they will be sent to you via a link to a zip file for downloading.)
But first a few ground rules for spinners posted on AWP:
1. Content must be kid friendly
2. No pictures of actual students
3. No names of actual students
4. I retain the right to decide to post content on AWP, or not
5. I make personalized spinners only when time permits so you may have to  wait a bit.
(I do have instructions on AWP on how you can make and download spinners yourself - See "Saving Spinners" on AWP)

I'll let you know if I can make a spinner for you and when it is ready via email.
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Email *
Is this a spinner you want posted publicly on the AWP website (see the rules above), or is it one you want for private downloaded use? *
How many buttons for your spinner? *
Please give me a title or description to appear for a banner at the top of the spinner page. Then, please list a description for each button that would help me label the button, and find an usable, open source image for that button. The title and the descriptions for each button on separate lines, please. *
Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements to the spinner pages, or to any other AWP pages
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