Being Your Best Self Assessment
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First Name
Business, Career and Professional World *
I don't want to talk about it
Are you satisfied with your work?
Do you get along with your colleagues?
Do you know what you want to do for work?
Are you comfortable with your knowledge and skills?
Do you feel you are contributing to the world in a way that fulfills you?
Are you happy in your career?
Given the opportunity to change work, would you still stay in your job?
Love and Romantic Relationship
I don't want to talk about it
Are you experiencing happiness in love?
Do you feel like you can be yourself in a love relationship?
Do you feel loved for who you truly are?
Do you feel your partner knows you very well?
Are your needs mostly met in your love relationship?
Is it easy for you to understand your partner?
Are you healthily independent in your love relationship?
Finances *
I don't want to talk about it
Do you consider money to be a primary measure of success and happiness?
Do you believe in the importance of financial independence and self-reliance?
Are you comfortable taking calculated risks with your money to potentially gain higher returns?
Do you tend to compare your financial status and possessions with those of others?
Are you more focused on enjoying the present moment or planning for future financial stability?
Do you believe that money can buy happiness or improve the quality of life?
Are you inclined to spend money on experiences and creating memories rather than material possessions?
Family *
I don't want to talk about it
Are you close to your family?
Do you feel like you have a connection with your family?
Can you be yourself around your family?
Do you mostly experience positive emotions around your family?
Is being with your family where you feel like you are truly yourself?
Do you feel supported by your family?
Can you count on your family when you need help?
Friends *
I don't want to talk about it
Do you have a close bond with your friends?
Do you trust your friends?
Would you say that the level of “give and take” in your friendship is balanced between you and them?
Do you feel like you can be yourself with all your friends?
Do you have healthy boundaries with your friends?
Do you feel comfortable saying “no” to your friends?
Are you honest with your friends?
Acquaintances and Neighbors *
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Are you honest with people you meet for the first time?
Do you stay true to yourself when you meet new people? (Meaning you don’t change your demeanor.)
Are you honest with yourself when you meet someone new that you don’t like? (Meaning you don’t try to convince yourself that you need to give them a chance.)
Are you the type of person that will say “no” to an offer to go out if you don’t feel like hanging out with that person?
When you meet someone, do you immediately know if you will get along with them or not?
Are you able to distance yourself from a person when you are not interested in their friendship?
Are you comfortable expressing your thoughts with unfamiliar people?
Self *
I don't want to talk about it
Are you comfortable in your own skin?
Do you appreciate your physical body?
Would you say you have healthy self-talk?
Are you comfortable with compliments from others?
Is it easy for you to accept help from others?
Do you appreciate spending time by yourself?
Could you list ten qualities about yourself right now?
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