Auditions July 27
You must sign up for auditions on the form below. Once you sign up and audition for a team you are
committed to that team. Please sign up for the dances you intend on being in. We take a lot of time
making our new teams each season, we know what type of dance we are putting together, the theme or
story line, etc. and pick the team members accordingly. We will only audition you for what is on this from.
**I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT-I must attend at least 2 week of summer session to audition and the required technique classes.
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Email *
Dancer's Name *
Email *
Solo Subject(s) & Solo Instructor (this is not guaranteed.) *
Duo/Trio Subject(s)-please list partners you are auditioning with? *
Team(s) *
I am interested in competition Hip Hop production *
What days will you attend? *
If you cannot make regular auditions, you will be contacted with our one-day make-up option (no exceptions). Please let us know the dates you are available.
I am the parent/guardian and I consent that my dancer may participate in RFTS competition auditions and I agree to the above routines they are trying out for. *
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