TCCSA - Field Trip registration
Please answer the questions below to register for TCCSA field trip programs here at our York Centre.
NOTE: Due to funding policy, Permanent Residents will have priority for attendance.
Age of 14 and under require to have an adult 18+ accompany.
Age of 2 and under will not be able to accommodate due to school bus safety.

This form is for 1 person registration, if you have more than 1 person please fill a other form.
1 person per registration form.

If you have any further questions, please email   
Beverly Chung or contact 905-948-1671

您好! 請仔細閱讀並填寫以下問題以報名參加多華會約克中心旅行活動。
14歲以下兒童必須有成人18+陪同。出於校車安全考慮,2 歲及以下兒童將無法乘搭校車前往。

*****此表格適用於1人註冊,如果你有超過1人請另外填寫表格。 每份登記表登記 1 人

Beverly Chung 或致電 905-948-1671 x 225
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Name 名字 *
Gender 性別 *
Email 電郵 *
Postal code  郵編 *
Phone number  聯繫電話 *
Birthdate  生日 *
Status in Canada   加拿大居留身份 *
Please provide your PR card number. 楓葉卡號碼
Is this your first time attending TCCSA event/service?
這是您第一次參加多華會 活動/服務嗎?
Trip details 活動詳細
1.  Explore Toronto 探索多倫多

A day trip to explore Canada's first large-scale community environmental Centre - Evergreen Bricks Works.

六月24日 June 24th Saturday   (9:30 - 4:00pm)   $10/ per person

Please bring the payment in cash to  3636 Steels Ave,2nd floor (Cash only)Monday - Friday business hour

費用請在星期一至五工作時間內交到 3636 Steels Ave,2樓 (現金)

地址鏈接點擊這裡          Click here for address

2. Trip to Markham  萬錦樂悠遊

This is a day trip for York region newcomers to explore local culture and get familiar with city of Markham by public transit. 這是提供給約克地區新移民探索當地文化,並通過公共交通熟悉萬錦市(渔人村小镇)的一日遊。

7月29日 Saturday July 29th, 2023 (10:0am-2:00pm)  Free 免費

Gathering:   10:00am 3636 Steels Ave E   (Metro Square Centre - Main Entrance)

Which trip would you like to join? (you are welcome to join both trips) 請問你想參加哪個活動(歡迎參加全部) *
What are some of the topic/event you are interest in the future?   您有其他興趣的主題/活動嗎,歡迎給我們建議?
Please answer here if this is for child under 14.
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Any questions or concerns?   有任何問題或疑慮嗎?
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