ISSA Youth Snowmobiler of the Year Nomination Form
 Eligibility requirements must include: 
  • Youth snowmobilers, age 12-18, who are deeply committed to organized snowmobiling and are involved in organized snowmobiling that strive to make the sport even more enjoyable in the future. 
  • Nominations may be made by individuals, snowmobile organizations or by the nominee. 
  • All nominations are to be presented in the format of this form and by the prescribed application date. 
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Email *
Year *
Name of Sponsor *
Address of sponsor *
Name of Nominee *
Address of nominee *
Age  *
Birthday *
Club Affiliation *
How many years has the nominee been involved in organized snowmobiling?  *
Describe their participation in club and/or state association events. *
OPTIONAL: Describe how the nominee promotes involvement from other youth in the organization 
OPTIONAL: Describe the suggestions that the nominee has for getting the younger generation to become more involved in organized snowmobiling. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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