著名餐廳《人間煙火》的主廚Harold失蹤,主廚兒子Arnold在遠走多年後卻突然出現,稱要成為餐廳的新主廚。與此同時,高利貸找上門指Harold Yip欠債纍纍,若五天後無法清還債務,就得把餐廳雙手奉上……
🕚場次1️⃣: 24/8/2024(六)晚上8時00分
🕚場次2️⃣: 25/8/2024(日)下午3時45分
🎫門票:$150; $110*
📢 節目全長約120分鐘,設中場休息
📢 遲到者須待節目適當時候方可進場
📢 六歲以下人士不得進場
📢 節目內含強光
📢 如遇特殊情況,主辦單位保留更改節目、表演者以及座位編排的權利
📞購票及節目查詢: Mr Silas FONG (23387171,
fong.pss@lasalle.edu.hk), Mr Owin WONG (97092848,
🕚Show 1️⃣: 8:00 PM, August 24, 2024 (Sat)
🕚Show 2️⃣: 3:45 PM, August 25, 2024 (Sun)
🎭Venue: Cultural Activities Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall
🎫Tickets: $150; $110*
*Full-time students, senior citizens aged 65 or above, persons with disabilities and their caregivers
*Assigned seating
📢The show is approximately 120 minutes long with an intermission.
📢Latecomers will be admitted at a suitable interval.
📢Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted.
📢The show includes strong lighting.
📢Under special circumstances, the organizer reserves the right to change the programme, performers, and seating arrangement.
📞Ticketing and program inquiries: Mr Silas FONG (23387171,
fong.pss@lasalle.edu.hk), Mr Owin WONG (97092848,
💡Ticket reservation details: A designated person will contact and confirm your reservation.
(**Tickets will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Those who are unable to reserve tickets successfully will enter the waiting list**)