Sun Saver Passport & Island Hopper Fest Deals
If you are interested in submitting a deal for the festival, the Sun Saver Passport or both please fill out the questions below. The Sun Saver Passport will be used in conjunction with our Island Hopper Songwriter Festival to encourage attendees to dine or shop while visiting.  *If you would like to submit a Lodging Deal for Island Hopper, CLICK HERE*

Please respond to the questions below.
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Please choose from the following:  *
Business Name: *
Business Address: *
Business Description: *
Describe your business and what it does in one to two sentences. 
Business Website: *
Primary Contact Name: *
Business Phone Number: *
Primary Contact Email: *
Business Image:
Please send an image (1000px by 740px) of your business to with the name of your business as the subject line. Business Logos will NOT be accepted as the image gets distorted. 
Coupon or discount your business will offer: *
Please distinguish if you are adding more than one discount (ex. Discount 1: .... Discount 2: ....). Please add a description of the offer such as any terms or conditions (ex. minimum purchase of $10, can not be used with any other discount, excludes ...).
Please leave any comments or questions below, or email Vanessa Gomez at
                                                        We look forward to hearing from you!
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