TLC Out of the Box Volunteer Application
Here we go again!  We're pumped to be hosting another super fun in-person event for families who have a child with cancer. Thank you for your interest in volunteering!

WHEN: Saturday, July 13

WHERE: Robert Eagle Staff Middle School, 1330 N 90th St, Seattle, WA 98103

ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE: Most volunteer roles will be expected to show up at the venue between 8am-9am, and stay to help clean up until 4:00pm.

Please complete this application and we be in touch about next steps.

  • Volunteers must be 18+ years of age.  A limited number of volunteers age 10-17 may volunteer if accompanied by a legal guardian. Sorry, we are not able to include volunteers younger than 10.
  • We may not have space to include every volunteer who is interested in participating.

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Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Date of birth *
Are there others in your family (partner or child age 10-17) who would like to volunteer with you? Please include their names and ages.
We will require all volunteers age 18+ to complete a National Criminal Background Check through SentryLink. If you've already completed this process with TLC, you do not need to do it again.  We also accept background checks you've done for other organizations. The cost of SentryLink is $20. Are you able to cover the cost for your background check? (If not, scholarships are available, no questions asked.) *
There are multiple volunteer roles available. Let us know which roles interest you the most (choose as many as you'd like):

FUN FINDERS: You will spend time connecting and playing with  the kids/family assigned to you, helping make sure they're able to enjoy the games and activities of the day. You are enthusiastic, flexible, unafraid to strike up conversation with people of all ages, and you've got the physical stamina to keep up with energetic kids!

WORK CREW: You will help with all kinds of behind-the-scenes jobs, set-up, tear-down, cleaning up, etc. You are hard working, and comfortable in a role that might not have a lot of direct interaction with TLC families.

CARNIVAL: You will host a carnival booth or activity for 90 minutes during the last portion of the event. (TLC can help generate ideas!) You are invited to cover the costs of supplies and prizes for your carnival booth, if you are able.

FOOD / HOSPITALITY: You will help prepare and serve boxed lunches for families, which may include buying groceries (we will pay!), preparing food, and helping facilitate buffet-style food service and clean-up. You have some experience with preparing food for the masses...bonus points if you've ever had a food handler's license of done food safety training!  You feel confident in the kitchen, and you have high standards for cleanliness, hand washing, etc. You may also help host refreshment stations for kids and adult, and create a hospitable sense of welcome as our guests arrive.
We are serving a medically fragile population, so our safety standards are very high!  Here is what we will require of participating volunteers.

Let us know if you are willing to comply with these safety standards:

HEALTH SCREENING: Our medical team will do a health screening for all volunteers and families upon arrival, including temperature check and symptoms survey. Anyone with symptoms of illness or recent contact with someone who has Covid will not be allowed to participate.

VACCINES/TESTS: All volunteers will be asked to share proof of updated Covid vaccinations, including the bivalent booster.  If you do not have the booster, we will require a negative Covid test the morning of the event.

MASKS: We will require masks for all indoor activities. If the weather is good, we will be outside for a lot of the fun (masks are NOT required outside)...but if it rains, we'll be mostly indoors wearing masks. Please bring at least two good quality masks (to be sure you have a back-up, if needed). 
*No cloth masks, please.

SOCIAL DISTANCE AWARENESS: At the event, be aware and purposeful about checking in with families about proximity, and generally do your best to keep some distance.  

I understand there will be a lot of pictures and videos taken at TLC Out of the Box. These images will likely include me and members of my family (if applicable). I understand these images/videos will remain the property of The Light Collective, and I give TLC permission to use these images/videos now or in the future for any lawful purpose including publication, promotion, advertising, education, or historical archive. I release The Light Collective and its legal representatives from liability for any violation or claims relating to said images/video.

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