Small Group Room Request
Although group space at the New Life Ghent campus is limited, there are a few available slots during the week.  Please fill out this form to make a request.  
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Email *
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number *
Have you received pre approval for this event? *
Which staff member pre approved your event? *
Small Group Details: Please share a brief overview of your small group. *
Day of the week requested? (If flexible, please share the multiple days you are you available.) *
How many weeks will your group be meeting?  Please share start date and end date.
Start Time of Group *
End Time of Group *
What are your room size needs? *
Do you have a specific room request?
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Do you have a Key and Code to access building? *
If you have any sound or audio needs please share those needs below. *
Will there be food or cleanup needed? *
Any other info, needs, or details to share?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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