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Volunteer Hours Tracking - Community Volunteers
Hi Volunteer! This form is to be used to record your time for Fire Mitigation work. Spanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection (SPAWP) thanks YOU for sharing your time to help protect our community from the devastation of future wildfires.
Use the Notes section to describe the location and work you did, IF you are unsure. We will reach out to you if we need any more details. Thank you!
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Volunteer Name
Your answer
Date Volunteered
Activity / Purpose / Project / Result
What you did; what was accomplished. Elaborate where needed. Do not put your activity in Notes Section.
Your answer
Volunteer Hours (Round to next 15 minutes)
How much time did you spend? Include travel time and actual volunteer work time. Please use the format HH:MM. For example 0:30, 1:45, 2:15, 10:00
Your answer
Project Location/Neighborhood/HOA
Baker Creek HOA
Cuchara West
DKD Area
Highway 12 SFA- WUI Project
Majors Ranch HOA
Navajo Ranch HOA
Panadero Vista HOA
Spanish Peaks POA
South Middle Creek Road Assn
Upper Huerfano FPD
SPAWP Advisory Board
River Run
Option 14
NOTES: (Use only if information does not fit in categories above)
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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