Registration Form (CSKHA/FormA1)

Chabana Sa Khomo Heritage Association Application for Registration as a member.


This is the online version of the Registration Form for Membership into Chabana Sa Khomo Heritage Association. If you submitted the PRINTED VERSION, you DO NOT NEED to fill this online version and the reversal (If you fill this online version, you DO NOT NEED to fill the printed version, we encourage those who can to fill this online version instead). Please read these notes before you begin your application.

  1. ALWAYS pay memberships and any other contributions directly into Chabana Sa Khomo Heritage Association bank accounts and other forms of payment officially provided by the association ONLY.
  2. Ensure your full names appear as per your registration in the payment notice or payment receipt.
  3. Your form will automatically be submitted to the Secretary's email address once filled successfully.
  4. After filling in the form, please submit proof of your membership registration payment (POP) to the Secretary General on her WhatsApp number or send a copy to (
  5. Lesotho Banking Details: Name of Bank: LESOTHO POSTBANK. Branch Name: Maseru. Account Number: 1034194100019 Account Type: Savings .Account Name: CHABANA SA KHOMO HERITAGE ASSOCIATION.
  6. South Africa Banking Details: Name of Bank: FNB. Branch Name: BRANDWAG OFS Branch code: 230534 Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ Account Number: 63096909793. Account Type: Business Account .Account Name: CHABANA SA KHOMO HERITAGE ASSOCIATION NPC. More options for payments are coming soon.
  7. Please note that the association reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted membership application. The Secretary will notify you on the outcome of your membership application with the statutes of either: ACCEPTED, REFERRED FOR COMMITTEE REVIEW, or REJECTED. Paid membership fees will be returned on unaccepted membership applications. Most membership applications will be accepted without any issues.

Please Note: Chabana Sa Khomo Heritage Association is a registered non-governmental organisation in Lesotho ( 2022/310) and in South Africa with intellectual property protection rights. The organisation serves Basotho wherever they live and accepts membership globally to Basotho, allies and friends of Lesotho interested in development and protection of Basotho heritage, and in efforts to foster national development that embodies and protects cultural norms and values. Our activities are and membership collections are geared towards the above initiatives.

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