Content Creation Campaign Submission Form
By filling out this registration form, you agree to the rules, qualifications, tasks, disclaimer information and reward structure laid out for the Bankii.Finance Bounty campaign.

Any means of cheating on any of the Bankii.Finance Bounty Campaign categories will result in disqualification.

Please fill out this form with all the needed answers truthfully.
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Bitcointalk Username *
  • Must be a valid Bitcointalk username 
  • Invalid/wrong Username will result in rejection of application.
Bitcointalk Profile Link *
Must submit only valid Bitcointalk Profile Link. EXAMPLE:;u=950662
Proof of Authentication Post *
Link to your proof of authentication post on the bounty thread.
Telegram Username *
Content Topic *
Select the topic to which your article/blog post or video review is focused on.
Content Type *
Select the topic to which your article/blog post or video review is focused on.
Youtube/TikTok Channel or Medium/Steemit/Publish0x/LinkedIn Page Link *
Content link *
  • Link to your published article/blog post or video review entry on either Medium, Steemit, LinkedIn or Youtube/TikTok
  • 1 entry link per submission only.  Submit another entry by filling up this form again.
  • Maximum of 8 entries per participant only.
Your Solana Wallet Address
$BKNY Token is built within Solana Blockchain. Submit a valid Solana Wallet address.
For the top solana wallets, visit this article:
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