QUIR Model Interest Form
A short survey that is used to indicate interest in modelling for QUIR and in what capacity
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Please Review the following COVID-19 Agreement
I agree to abide by the above COVID-19 Agreement *
What type of modelling are you interested in? check all that apply: *
Name (Legal or Chosen) *
Email *
Tell me a bit about yourself and how you Identify: *
Where are you located?
Did you have a specific vision, request, inspiration or motivation?
QUIR photos can include Nudity. Please check all that apply for the level of Nudity you are comfortable with:
QUIR photos can include Sexuality or Sexual Expression. Please check all that apply for the level of Sexuality or Sexual Expression you are comfortable with:
Please share any relevant social media links or websites so I can see what you look like:
How do you feel about Photoshop?
No edits whatsoever
I want to look like plastic
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Do you have any Needs you would like to communicate to me?
Please check all statements you agree with:
I understand that by submitting this application I am simply indicating interest in modelling for QUIR and that there is no commitment from either the applicant or QUIR that requires an expectation of participation *
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