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Fall Naloxone Training RSVP
Please fill this form out if you are planning on attending a Naloxone Training with Rams in Recovery
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What training date are you planning on attending?
August 17th 12pm-2pm Train the Trainer at Recovery Clubhouse 1103 W. Marshall St.
August 25th 4pm-5pm Lay Rescuer at Recovery Clubhouse 1103 W. Marshall St.
August 28th 1pm-2pm Lay Rescuer at Recovery Clubhouse 1103 W. Marshall St.
September 5th 11am-12pm Lay Rescuer at Recovery Clubhouse 1103 W. Marshall St.
September 13th 3pm-4pm Lay Rescuer at Recovery Clubhouse 1103 W. Marshall St.
October 3rd 10am -2pm Rapid Revive Student Commons Plaza
October 13th 7pm-8pm Lay Rescuer at Recovery Clubhouse 1103 W. Marshall St.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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