Just to confirm, which class do you need to get scheduled BLS or Heartsaver in Rockford, IL? *
Please tell us your first and last name.
Your answer
We are available on Tuesdays at 9am or 11 am, Wednesdays 1pm or 3pm and Fridays & Saturdays at 10am. Please let us know which days would fit your schedule.
Your answer
What is your occupation or reason for CPR training? *
Your answer
Do you need a new BLS certification or Renewal?
A new certification is required for anyone with a non-AHA CPR certification, expired certification and no previous certification.
Do you have any special requirements we should be aware of to accommodate you? *
What is your preferred method of communication? *
Please share your preferred method of communication. Phone number and email address.
Your answer
Were you referred by someone? And if so who referred you?