IEEEXtreme 10.0 - Student Ambassador Referral
IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members, supported by an IEEE Student Branch, advised and proctored by an IEEE member, compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.

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Roles & Responsibilities of an Ambassadors:
1. Introduce IEEEXtreme to your Local Section Student Members (Participants) & Professional Members (Proctors).
2. Identify Student branches that are not aware of IEEEXtreme and enable them to participate in the competition
3. Gather list of professional members who are interested in volunteering for IEEEXtreme as Proctors and connect them with student members who are looking for proctors in order to participate in the competition
4. Host seminars and drive IEEEXtreme programming competition participation in Universities/Colleges; creating general awareness about the competition
5. Supporting non student branch members in finding a local venue to participate in the competition
6. Identify and assist students who require support, guidance or any additional details relevant to IEEEXtreme
7. Enable your section to appreciate the top teams with some special recognition or prizes, if funding is available
8. Organize workshops and training programs at your local section on solving IEEEXtreme Programming Challenges through IEEEXtreme Practice Community.
Ambassador Referral ID *
Specify the Ambassador ID of the Referring Ambassador
Name *
Specify your full name
IEEE Member No# *
Note: Ambassadors program is open only to Student Members of IEEE
IEEE Section *
i.e. IEEE Singapore Section, IEEE Sri Lanka Section - Please specify the exact section name
IEEE Region *
Locate your IEEE Region:
State *
Country *
Organization / University / Institution name *
E-mail ID *
Have you participated in IEEEXtreme earlier? *
How much time can you allocate in your day for IEEEXtreme as a Student Ambassador? *
i.e. 2 Hours, 2.30 Hours
Have you ever been an IEEEXtreme Ambassador before? *
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