Research Survey: Responding to the Christchurch Call
As part of the Christchurch Call <> to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online, the New Zealand Government is focused on gaining a better understanding of existing research and academic efforts on terrorist and violent extremist content, and the key areas where more work is needed. What is missing from the current research and knowledge sharing efforts and why?

This survey gathers data for that report, with an eye to supporting a wider conversation in the context of the Christchurch Call.

I will share my draft report (due very early September) with you, and you will have the opportunity to give more feedback at that point. We are planning an event around the UN General Assembly Leaders Week, either September 20 or 22. This survey asks your preference for date so we can accommodate you. (Online participation is also possible)

Thanks for participating! I'm available via email if you have any questions.

Nat Torkington
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There's a relatively large body of research around the online activities of terrorists and violent extremists and the methods of detecting and countering them.
Where is Research Strong? *
Which areas of research do you feel are well-covered at this point?
Where is Research Weak? *
Which areas of research do you feel need more work at this point? Be as detailed and discursive as you like.
The Research System
Research is created by researchers. Institutions, funding, and partnerships with platforms or other institutions can all ease or hinder the research.
Systemic Strengths *
Which parts of the system that creates CVE research are working well for you in your research?
Systemic Opportunities *
Which parts of the system that creates CVE research could be improved, and how? Be as detailed and as discursive as you like.
Impactful Research
Not all research needs to be translated immediately into action, but research can inform and improve the activities of governments and platforms. What research topics or areas would lead to better and more successful implementation of the Christchurch Call?
Any Other Thoughts
Do you have any other opinions or comments about research into the online activities of violent extremists and the methods of detecting and countering them?
Contacting and Crediting You
Your comments will not be attributed to you in the report, but an appendix will list the names and institutions that contributed. (You can opt out of this below)
Your Name *
Your Email Address *
This will not be published in the report, but I need it to be able to share the draft report with you.
Your Institution *
For the appendix listing contributors.
Receive Credit? *
If you need anonymity, let me know and I will not use your name.
In-Person Event
We will run a workshop in New York City around the UN General Assembly Leaders Week to produce a brief on key findings and recommendations, which will be distributed to Call supporters. Additional actions may arise from the recommendations.

We invite researchers including academic, technical experts and cvil society. Company experts and officials from Call supporting countries will be welcome to attend, as well either as observers or participants. Nat Torkington, who is contracted to NZ Government to advance this area of work, will facilitate with Ellen Strickland from InternetNZ supporting.
Are you interested in attending such an event?
Preferred date
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