CUC Green Team Interest Form

Central Union's Green Team is looking for new members who are interested in continuing our mission to “live wisely within God’s creation through conservation and compassion, giving back to the earth what we take from the earth, now and in the future.”

Who We Are With grave concerns for the state of the environment and rising energy costs, our Christian faith called us to act in 2007 to form Central Union Church’s Sustainability Committee. The church formally adopted it as the Green Team Advisory Committee in 2008.

What We Do The Green Team researches sustainable practices and educates the congregation and the church on ways to live wisely within God’s creation through conservation and compassion, giving back to the earth what we take from the earth, now and in the future.

ENERGY RETROFIT  AND PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL INSTALLATION: We successfully promoted proposals that reduced the church’s carbon footprint by 57 percent, i.e., 200 kW annually. As a result, Central Union is recognized nationally as a Cool Congregation.

E-WASTE: We host an annual event on the church’s campus so community members can properly recycle their electronic waste.

COLLABORATION WITH OTHER CONGREGATIONS AND FAITHS: We work with Hawaii Interfaith Power and Light, Green Faith, the national Interfaith Power and Light and others to host and organize multi- congregational sustainability and climate change related events locally. 

What Next? The Green Team will research and hopes to raise congregational and church awareness and behavioral changes.We will also explore how the church and its congregation might make Hawaii the first state to have 100 percent of its electricity generated from renewable sources.

Become Involved Learn more about the Green Team at

To contact the Green Team, email the committee’s chair, Carolynn Bell-Tuttle, at

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Please share why you are interested in joining the Green Team 
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