NIRMAN Youth Flourishing Questionnaire
You are one amongst the 261 million young people in India! While we all should celebrate this demographic dividend, how does one know that you & these youth are really doing well in your lives, that you are truly flourishing?

We at NIRMAN have developed a comprehensive and first of its kind Framework of Youth Flourishing for India's young generation. This framework is based on our observations and learning from active engagement with thousands of youth over the last decade and utilizes key aspects of scientific literature.


The following questionnaire is developed to help you understand where you stand on the ‘Flourishing Spectrum’. The questions & the subsequent report will help you introspect, recognize where you are & take steps to move ahead in your flourishing journey.

There are a total of 50 questions, distributed across 7 sections, each corresponding to one of the below domains.

It will take you approximately 15 minutes to fill up the entire questionnaire. If you come across any difficult words, please use ‘Google’ to appropriately understand their meaning.

All questions must be completed for this questionnaire to be scored. At the end, you will get a personalized report in your email inbox. For that to be accurate & useful to you, please respond to the questions as truthfully as you can.
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Age *
Current Status *
Educational Stream *
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