Baltic -4  DAC order form
The new DAC from Lampizator -the successor of Level 4, Level 5, The Big5 and the Big6. Premiere on October 1st 2020, this is 4th facelift since premiere, the most major one. Starts shipping January 8th 2023.

BALTIC-4 : it took about 300 listening hour tests to refine the sound of this DAC to the unprecedented level. we literally tested EVERY resistor or cap in the DAC, tens of components and operating points - and with each step we got closer to Nirvana - a fully immersive sensation of swimming in a huge cloud of music.  Based on the new digital engine ELEVEN developed in November  2022 we achieved functionality and sound quality  not possible before. Analog section utilizes the directly heated diode rectifier (5u4G style) and analog super dual triode 6SN7GT.
EVERY DAC is BALANCED and single ended outputs are present as well, no need to choose between SE and BAL builds. The output of this DAC is buffered with 12AU7 or 12BH7 triodes for very low output impedance and earth shaking bass.
The price includes: USB input, PCM up to 32 bit/768 kHz files on USB-PCM, DSD 512x auto sense and auto switch pcm/dsd and all file sampling rate switching. S/PDIF/RCA inputs, TOSLINK and AES/EBU are standard as well. The non-usb inputs   working up to 192 KHz and 24 bits PCM.

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Baltic 4 DAC - charcoal front, mat black top
Rear - inputs - not user  selectable in configurator.
Button colour (Note: there is no button at all on the volume control units)
Choose the warranty plan (extension CAN NOT be purchased after the order, now is time to do it) the standard warranty is 3 years.
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