LAH Mentor Application
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Email *
Phone Number (if this is the easiest way to reach you)
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Cohort: *
Major(s): *
Minor(s), if none put n/a:  *
Planned path after graduation (if you know): *
Applying to become a mentor means that you will need to set out time to meet with each of your mentees at least once a month and possibly more at the beginning of the year. Failure to do so will make you ineligible for benefits provided by the program. Will you be able to make this time commitment? *
Please list what days and times you are most available to meet with your mentee: *
Why would you like to become a mentor? *
Please list some of your favorite organizations you're involved in: *
Please list some of your hobbies and interests (this could be TV shows, food spots, etc.): *
If you would like to request someone please list their name here: 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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