1-On-1 Thru Hiking Coaching Program Application
I have one spot available for 1-on-1 coaching. Please answer this form honestly. This will let me know whether the program is a good fit for you, and if so how best to tailor the program for your needs.
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Email *
Weight (Please indicate lbs or KG)
Do you have a goal trail, route, or run that you hope to accomplish? If so which one and a goal date if you have one.
Please list any experience you have with hiking, backpacking, thru-hikes, trail runs/races.
What area(s) would you like the coaching to focus on? I.E. Physical preparation, mental training, nutrition, gear, logistics, planning. *
How much time do you have to dedicate to this training? I.E. One hour per day, half an hour three times a week. There is no wrong answer. Give me an honest assessment of how much time you have available.
Are you currently following kind of exercise routine? If so briefly describe it.
Do you have any current or past injuries? *
Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart or other condition and that you should only perform physical activity recommended by a doctor?
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