2025-01-06 My ViewPoint Survey
2025-01-06 My ViewPoint Survey
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Name a decision you shouldn’t make until you know you can afford it.
Name something sold in a tobacco store other than cigarettes.
Name something a dog might chase.
Name something you put outside when the weather is nice.
Name a speed you drive on deserted stretches of the highway.
Name a specific store that delivers.
Name a holiday you eat too many sweets.
Name a breed of dog.
Name something that makes a loud bang.
Name something people burn themselves on other than the stove.
What’s a noise that would make you call the police?
Name a way that small children abuse the family dog.
Name something that rain ruins.
Other than teaching, name a job in which liking kids helps a lot.
Name something pleasurable that people give up for the sake of their health.
How tall would you say pro basketball players are on average?
Name a creature little boys (or girls) collect.
Name your favorite summer time drink.
Name a color of toothpaste.
Name something people hate to get into when it’s cold.
Name a sport where the spectators can affect the players.
Name something that some people seem to do non-stop.
Name a gift someone might give to a person they just began dating.
Other than a house or car, name something people buy with money they got a loan on from a bank.
Name the fastest speed you’ve driven.
Name a bug you might find in the house.
How many times a week do you vacuum?
Name a topping for pies.
Name a place people go to that they can’t wait to get out of.
Name something that ruins your nails.
Name an activity that people participate in on a cruise ship.
Name an article of clothing that is made one size fits all.
Name a fruit you sometimes cut into chunks.
Name an age people start to color their hair to cover gray.
Name the hour happy hour begins.
Name something other than pickles that you buy pickled.
Name another word for song.
Name a job someone may have where they may have to deal with getting inappropriately hit on often.
Name a home improvement job you may choose to do in late spring so you can enjoy it all summer.
Name a type of toiletry that someone may by a travel size version of to take on vacation, rather than bringing the regular size from home.
Name a famous Jack.
Name a state that you would want to visit if you were into skiing.
Name a musician or group that is known for having provocative lyrics.
Name something from the song “12 Days of Christmas”.
Name a song with the word “Shake” in the title.
Name something a person might do if they knew their date was coming back to their place.
What’s your favorite Girl Scout cookie?
Name a breakfast option you might turn to if you’re looking for something healthy.
Name a famous person whose last name is a commonly-used first name. ie; George Michael.
Name an exercise you had to do in gym class during elementary school.
Name something you should do in moderation, or you may regret it the next day.
There are many common times when couples kiss. Name one of those times.
Name something around the house that folds up.
Name a place you see people reading.
Name one of the bits of information you jot down when taking a phone message.
Name a month that you first turn on your heat for the year.
Name a specific kind of screen.
Name something kids draw pictures of.
Name a crisp vegetable.
Name an artist of group that’s performed at a Super Bowl ½ time.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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