Let's Get To Know You
I'm excited to learn more about you. As a Coach I often help clients go from idea to impact, or to multiply their current impact. I invest a lot in my clients and am only able to work with a few new clients each quarter. So, your commitment as well as your future impact are important to me, which is why this form is rather detailed. Few questions are required, but answering as many as possible increases the chance my team and I will see us as a good fit. Your answers will be kept confidential and only viewed by myself and my assistant.   
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The Process
If you're interested in working together the next step is filling out this form. After you submit it you'll receive a confirmation from us. If everything seems like a good fit we will setup an initial consultation to get to know each other better and start designing a coaching relationship. 
Your Basic Info
Full Name *
Best Email for Communication *
Please use your primary email address you check regularly and mark our emails as important. If there are big delays in communication it will hamper our ability to work together :)
Phone Number
Is it OK if we write you on WhatsApp to clarify an answer or about scheduling your consultation?
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What city and country do you live in?
How did you hear about Dan / Dreams Around The World?
Getting To Know You Better
What do you currently do? What takes up most of your time?  Perhaps you'd like to share a mini bio with me :)
Have you worked with Dan before or taken any of his programs? *
Have you read "The ENFP Calling"? *
Have you worked with an advisor, mentor, or coach before?
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What areas are you interested in support?
It is normal in a coaching relationship to make improvements in many areas of your life. A great coach will help you uncover what is really going on with you and what changes will be most significant. 

Still, it is useful for me to understand the area(s) you're interested in working on together. 
What is the main reason you're interested in my support via private coaching?
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
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This form was created inside of Dreams Around The World.