Puyallup Try Lacrosse Clinics (Jan 21st, 23rd, 28th & 30th) Sign-up
When: January 21st, 23rd 28th & 30th 6-8pm
Where: Puyallup Rec Center
who: new and returning players k-12
cost: free!!

Come out and try lacrosse for 4 nights of clinics to learn the basics from some of our veteran coaches.  The clincs are completely free so invite your friends.  Come and try out the fastest sport on 2 feet!!  Come to one, two, three or all 4 clinics and get an introduction to this fast & dynamic team sport!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Player First Name *
Player Last Name *
What Grade is your player in 2024-25 school year *
School of attendance 2024-25 school year *
New or returning player? *
What Evenings will you be attending (check any or all that apply)  *
Do you have your own gear or need a loaner for the clinic? *
Parent / Guardian First Name *
Parent / Guardian Last Name *
Parent / Guardian email? *
Parent / Guardian Phone Number?  *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
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