Red Sea Leadership Award 2023

This leadership award is inspired by the idea of the Red Sea versus the Dead Sea and by the transformative leadership of Dr. Kelly Arispe at Boise State University.

In a recent sermon, Rev. Dr. Andrew Kukla, pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Boise, compared the two seas as a metaphor for the impact of our lives. In the case of the Dead Sea, fresh water carries nutrients in, but with no outlet the water evaporates and the nutrients stagnate. In contrast, with the Red Sea, fresh water enters, the nutrients are stirred up, and enriched water exits for the good of other places beyond the sea. 

This cycle of investment, transformation and re-investment is what we see when we observe Red Sea leaders. They take in and are transformed by new learning and then they go on to share that learning in a transformative way with others. Their influence inspires us to re-invest in our own spheres of influence. Red Sea leaders make us better at what we do and even who we are.

The award will be announced at the Fall Conference Awards Dinner on Friday evening, October 20, 6:00-7:30 pm, in the Boise State University Student Union.

The honoree will be selected based on the number and quality of nominations they receive.

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