BellaVia Villages Interview Form
We would like to get to know you, your strengths and the experiences that you might bring to our team!
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Name *
Mailing Address
Current Employer
How long have you worked there?
Please describe your work experience with supporting individuals living with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, like Autism.
Have you worked primarily with male or female clients?
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Describe the settings in which you provided that care. For example, did you provide that care in a residential setting, in an institutional setting, in your client’s home, or out in the community?
Please describe the training that you have received in “person centered care.”
How skilled are you in assisting clients with their personal hygiene routines (bathing, dressing, grooming, etc)?
Not very skilled
I'm skilled!
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How would you describe the personal characteristics and strengths that make you good at the work of advocating for and supporting differently-abled individuals, as they learn to develop their strengths and overcome their challenges, in everyday life?
Have you managed a team of direct care providers serving individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities?
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