MAGWest 2021 Digital Panel Application
MAGWest is digital one mo' again!

If you're interested in giving a digital presentation/panel/whatever thing at MAGWest 2021, please fill out this form!

You'll have your choice of either providing a pre-recorded piece of content, or performing it live via our Twitch channel. Basic technical requirements for each are listed in the next section. Submissions will close July 31, 2021.

Feel free to email us with questions at !

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Untitled Title
What is the name of your panel? *
Provide a description of your panel. *
What format best describes your panel? *
Expected Panel Length (this includes all segments of your panel, including Q&A) *
What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
What pronouns do you use?
List any relevant website or social media links that are related to your panel.
If you've performed this panel at a previous event/convention/festival, list each of them here.
After the MAGWest Stream, our content will likely be published to YouTube. Is that okay? *
How would you rate the content of your panel? *
How would you prefer to give this panel? *
Availability: Regardless of streaming/recording, check all times that you'd be available between Thursday, November 4 and Saturday, November 6. All times are Pacific Time. *
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