Feedback on ProArts Hawaiian Arts and Culture Series: Kathy Collins Storyteller
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated on our survey here. Data we collect will be used to help us obtain continued funding for this Series, which is made possible in part by a grant from the Hawai’i Council for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
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When did you see the production or exhibit?
Did you see the in-person production or exhibit, watch a video presentation, or both?
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Did you find the production or exhibit enjoyable?
Hardly at all
Very enjoyable
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Did you find the production or exhibit educational?
Hardly at all
Very educational
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Did you learn anything new? What did you learn?
Has it inspired you to learn more about the subject?
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Did you find the Talk Story component of the production valuable?
Not valuable
Very valuable
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How likely are you to return to ProArts for another production or exhibition?
Very likely
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Would you like to see more productions or exhibitions like this?
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What other types of ProArts productions do you enjoy and would like to see more of?
How would you like to see ProArts grow?
Your age:
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Which of the following describes you best?
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Where do you live? If multiple places, please include how much of the year you spend in each location.
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Do you have any general comments or suggestions about the production or exhibition?
Please give us any comments or suggestions about how ProArts can improve our community engagement and outreach.
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