Welcome, Gen Con Megagame Volunteer!
On behalf of the Megagame Coalition, thank you for being interested in helping to make megagames possible at Gen Con 2019! As you can imagine, wrangling this many players in one place can be a daunting task. That's why we need volunteers to help make sure the days runs smoothly. Whether you've played board games since Catan or enjoy adventuring with D20s, so long as you're about making megagames happen, you're cool in our book.

Simply fill out this form and we'll get back to you as soon as things start rolling!

Please note, we will only have a certain number of Gen Con badges available to our volunteers and they will be distributed based on volunteer hours. To receive a badge, you must volunteer 8+ hrs. For a full list of volunteer benefits, visit https://megagamecoalition.com/#volunteer
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Discord Handle (if applicable)
BGG Username (may get cool microbadges)
Which days will you be attending Gen Con? *
How did you hear about this opportunity? *
Which Megagame(s) are you interested in volunteering for?
Read game descriptions here:   https://megagamecoalition.com/gencon/                                                                          Volunteer time includes an hour prior to game start for setup and 30 min after game end for cleanup.                                                   If you are coming as part of a participating group, please keep in mind the number of games you are required to help control beyond your own and be sure to select a balance of games to keep you sane and also engaged.
Please rate which aspects of Control (Game Master) are of interest to you.
1 (No Interest)
5 (Very Interested)
Lore/Story Management
Game Communications/Media
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Are you interested and able to help with any of the following for Gen Con? *
The Megagame Coalition works year-round, and it can only expand Megagames thanks to the efforts of people like you.  Are you interested in contributing to MGC outside of Gen Con? *
Tell us about yourself!
Avid RPG player? Wargame aficionado? Meeple Person? Just want to sign up to learn more about how these things work? Tell us what you like and what got you into Megagames!
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